Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Associate Editor, IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing Journal
Assistant Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Associate Editor, IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing Journal
Appointed as a Sino US Global Logistics Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Assistant Researcher from 09/2019—04/2020.
Appointed as a Sino US Global Logistics Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Lecturer (Postdoctoral) from 09/2019—04/2020.
Appointed as a National Tsing Hua University, Adjunct Assistant Professor from 02/2019 to 08/2019.
Appointed as a Ministry of Science and Technology, Postdoctoral Research Fellow from Apr. 1, 2019 to Aug. 31, 2019. The goal of this fellowship is to convert a part of my doctoral thesis into an industry product to enable electrical transformer manufacturers in Taiwan, China.
2016 - 2019
Project funded vide the Ministry of Science and Technology project 106-2218-E-007-012-MY2. The intelligence derived helped in mapping essential technology components for advanced manufacturing along with standard and policy discussions.
Awarded Global Engineering Leadership (GEL 2014) scholarship to determine the feasibility of creating a web-centric wrapper technology that would help distribute legacy scientific applications using software re-engineering concepts.