Principle investigator
Chinese Science Foundation
Intelligent digital supply chain orchestration and sustainability

Intelligent digital supply chain orchestration and sustainability, Chinese Science Foundation (2019 Talent-Introduction Program) ,Advisor: Prof. Dali Zhang,2019—2021.

Investigation team member
Chang Gung Hospital Taipei
Virtual reality exposure therapy study

Virtual reality exposure therapy study, Chang Gung Hospital Taipei,Roles: Project coordinator and development team leader, Principle investigator: Prof. Amy Trappey,2019— 2021.

Information Industry Council Taiwan, China
Intelligent conversational technologies specifications analysis

Intelligent conversational technologies specifications analysis, Information Industry Council Taiwan, China,Roles: Project team member, Principle investigator: Prof. Amy Trappey,2018.

Taiwan Economic Research Institute
Original Equipment Manufacturer International Branding Research

Original Equipment Manufacturer International Branding Research, Taiwan Economic Research Institute,Roles: Project team leader, Principle investigator: Prof. Charles Trappey, 2017.

Ministry of Science and Technology Taiwan, China
Development of Unsupervised Machine Learning Approaches for Intellectual Property Analysis

Development of Unsupervised Machine Learning Approaches for Intellectual Property Analysis, Ministry of Science and Technology Taiwan, China,Roles: Project member, Principle investigator: Prof. Amy Trappey,2016-2018.